The library educates users on how to make use of the various available e-resources. The topics cover a wide range of aspects all aimed at ensuring that the library user is able to optimize the use of the library. The library instruction section covers the following topics.
1. Instruction Classes
2. Citation Tools
This module introduces users to the various forms of information resources available in the library, how to utilize them and access them by using the search catalogue. The outcome will be to enable the users to navigate the library through the use of the online catalogue.
This session is meant to equip users on how to optimize the use of scholarly platforms for their course work and journal publishing, by equipping users with the know-how of journal and scholarly publishing landscape, and also to better understand the open access movement and its outputs such as the Digital Repository.
This session introduces library users to the diverse online resources that are available in the library, giving each user hands on experience on how to search e-Resources. It is through this session that students writing their theses and dissertations are introduced to the various databases on the OPAC. These databases may be statistical databases such as Business Monitor and OECD iLibrary along the usual textual databases such as Emerald, Cambridge, Wiley and Oxford.
The outcome of this session is to equip the user with the relevant skills on how to acknowledge and cite the different types of information resources using APA and other formats. Included in this module is the instruction on how to utilize online reference systems such as Mendeley, Zotero and Citeulike.
The outcome of this session is to equip users with an understanding of the economic, legal and social use of information access; ethically and legally. This includes training on the use of APA referencing and citation.
This module is aimed at developing skills necessary for adapting the new models of information delivery in academic set ups. These include social network platforms. The module will also explore new trends in information processing; and how to access these platforms for lifelong learning.