Roles and Responsibilities
The University Council shall have and exercise the following functions:-
- Approve the statutes of the university and cause them to be published in the Kenya Gazette;
- Approve the policies of the university;
- Be responsible for the quality and integrity of the university;
- Establish broad institutional policies and delegate the implementation and management of such policies to the administration;
- Approve the university’s mission and academic programmes;
- Appoint and approve the terms and conditions of service of the Vice Chancellor;
- Approve the annual budget of the university;
- Ensure that the type, and level of degrees offered are consistent with institutional purpose and are of satisfactory quality;
- Select an external audit firm and review the annual fiscal audit of the university by such firm;
- Approve faculty recommended by the Vice Chancellor for full professorship;
- Act as the final appeal body for any member of the Management Board who is terminated from the university for cause;
- Approve, upon recommendation of the Vice Chancellor, terms and conditions of service of employees of the university;
- Manage, supervise and administer the assets of the university in such a manner as best promotes the purpose for which the university is established;
- Determine the provisions to be made for capital and recurrent expenditure and for reserves of the university;
- Receive any grants, donations or endowments on behalf of the university and make legitimate disbursements therefrom;
- Enter into association, collaboration or linkages with other bodies or organisations within or outside Kenya as the university may consider desirable or appropriate and in furtherance of the purpose for which the university is established; and
- Open a banking account or accounts for the funds of the university.
University Council Profiles