Student Resource

a) The TV Studio

The TV Studio is where students practice their various TV technical operations such as; Camera Techniques, Lighting Techniques, News Anchoring using the Autocue, Directing Techniques, Vision/Sound Mixing and TV transmission. The services offered in this area encompasses setting up the area to facilitate the instruction of the afore mentioned technical operations as well as assisting students to learn how to use the various equipment available to achieve and acquire the necessary skills, knowledge and experience in operating them.
Of importance, students can book for equipment by sending an email to any of the radio and television studio technicians on the following email addresses:

a) / ext. 514 – Zerubabbel Odera (Television Studio Technician)
b) / ext. 462 – Wilfred Kidula (Radio Studio Technician)

Students book and carry equipment for their use and return upon completion. This is to ensure responsibility and equality is the utilization of the equipment. At the TV studio we have the following services that are offered:
Instructing students on how to use the video cameras and still cameras; instructing students on how to use the red head and white lights and instructing students on how to use sound equipment.

Students who go through these basic instructions of studio equipment maintenance and operation have to take introductory broadcast classes such as Introduction to Broadcast Media – JRN 1105 and Radio Production 1 – JRN 3321, so as to be well equipped with the technical operation of a location camera, studio camera, teleprompter, lighting for studio and location, use of boom microphone, location sound equipment and techniques of making a program. During the Pre- production and production, students are expected to move to the third stage that’s Post Production/ editing of the final project/program.

The Video Editing Suites

The editing suites have several iMac computers which have been installed Final Cut Pro 7, Final Cut Pro X and Adobe CS6 which are used by the students for video editing, gazette and sauti production, editing of photos and website designing. Services provided to students at the editing suites include:

i) Instructing students on how to use Final Cut Pro editing software and any other supporting software such as soundtrack pro and motion.

ii) Instructing students on how to use Adobe Creative Suite 6 software that has different packages such as Adobe premiere pro, in-design, audition, dreamweaver, after effects, and photoshop.

Again the radio and television studio technicians will be there to assist students by training them on how to use these software’s. They can be reached on extension 462 or 514.

b) Radio Studios

USIU Radio has two studios; On-air Radio and Recording Studio.
In the On-air Radio, Students present as News anchors, Show hosts, DJs and producers. Presenters are available from 0800Hrs to 2100hrs.From 2100Hrs to 0800Hrs, DJ mixes and playlists play. This makes USIU 99.9FM a 24 hour Radio Station. Here, students come up with proposals for various programs to be aired live or recorded. In the On-Air Studio, students come to practice studio technical operations such as; On-Air presentations skills, sound Mixing Technique microphone Use and Handling, how to use On-Air Automation Software, how to use On-Air Telephony, Learn how to use On-Air SMS Service and how to use the On-Air Sound Console. The services offered in this area are to expose students to the real world of radio by operating a Radio Station. Students get to experience the real radio environment which gives them unmatched technical capabilities to go about radio production techniques and skills.

In the Recording Studio, Students get to produce programs, Station Ids, Station promos, News demos, preparation of Jingles, Radio drops, and other commercials/adverts. Here, students are instructed on the basics of studio operations ranging from setting up for recording, microphone positioning, use and handling. The students are also taught the Audio mixer and how to control the several channels while using different sources of sound. They are also taught on the functions of recording software such as Adobe Audition. This is where students are oriented on the basics of radio, allowing them have a lot of practical knowhow even before being admitted to the live studio. They get to do voice testing and auditions as well as program demos to properly align them to what is required.

There is also a Radio Production Room, where the Technicians get to listen through programs in the On-air studio in order to do proper adjustments to presentations done by students. Students also get to use the production room to prepare for their programs by arranging their playlists and do final touches to their presentations.
Any Student or Staff of USIU is allowed to present in the Radio Studio. One will undergo training on proposal writing, orientation and mentoring.
Content for the Radio Studio is sourced by the respective host, usually from the Content Creation room, and the checked by the Production team. The Radio and Television Studio Technician together with the Production team then offer censorship where required.

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