Patrick Wamuyu

  • Wamuyu, P. K. (2018). Exploring the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) for identifying Customer Location in M-Commerce Adoption in Developing Countries. Information and Communication Technology for Development for Africa. Chapter No: 10

  • Wamuyu, P. K. (2018). Leveraging Web 2.0 technologies to foster collective civic environmental initiatives among low-income urban communities. Computers in Human Behavior. vol. 85, pp. 1-14.

  • Wamuyu, P. K. (2017). Closing the Digital Divide in Low-Income Urban Communities: A Domestication Approach. Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Life Long Learning, vol. 13, pp. 117-142.

  • Wamuyu, P. K. (2017). Bridging the digital divide among low income urban communities. Leveraging use of Community Technology Centers. Telematics and Informatics, vol. 34, Issue 8, pp. 1709-1720.

  • Wamuyu, P. K. (2017). Use of cloud computing services in Micro and Small Enterprises: A Fit Perspective. International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 59-81.

  • Wamuyu, P. K. (2017). A conceptual framework for implementing a WSN based cattle recovery system in case of cattle rustling in Kenya. Technologies, vol. 5(3), 54.

  • Musumba, G. W. and Wamuyu, P. K. (2016). Virtual Enterprise as a Multi Agent System. International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems, vol. 8, Issue 1, Article 3, pp. 46-68.

  • Wamuyu, P. K. (2015). The Impact of Information and Communication Technology Adoption and Diffusion on Technology Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries: The case of Kenya. Information Technology for Development, vol. 21. No. 2, pp. 253-280.

  • Wamuyu, P. K. (2014). The role of pre-usage transmittals and innovation characteristics in uptake and continuance of mobile money usage in Kenya. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 1-19.

  • Wamuyu, P. K., Maharaj, M. (2011). Factors Influencing Successful Use of Mobile Technologies to Facilitate E-Commerce in Small Enterprises: The case of Kenya. The African Journal of Information Systems Volume 3, Issue 2, Article 2.

  • Wamuyu, P. K., Maharaj, M. (2011). Using Mobile technologies for eBusiness infrastructure in Kenyan Rural Micro and Small Enterprises: Hype or Opportunity? Alternation Journal, Special Edition 4, pp. 334 – 349.

  • Blewett, C. Quilling, Bulbulia, Z. & Wamuyu, P. K. (2011). Student challenges in a virtual collaborative learning course spanning multiple countries: Alternation Journal, vol. 18. 2, pp. 216 - 244 .

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