Gerald Chege

  • Chege, G.W. Taylor, R.W., Tealby, J.M.: "A survey and Analysis of parallel processing and numerical techniques applied to electromagnetic field problems", Research Report (YEE3/88), Dept. of Electronics, University of York, (1988).
  • Chege, G.W. Taylor, R.W., Tealby, J.M.: "Parallel modeling of electromagnetic field scattering for coupled antenna-dielectric systems”, Annual Review of progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, 19-22 March 19990, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, USA, Conference Proceedings, (1990), pp.253-265;
  • Chege, G.W. Taylor, R.W., Tealby, J.M.: "Parallel modeling of electromagnetic field scattering: A new approach using the Edinburgh Concurrent Supercomputer Facility”, CONPAR90-VAPPIV: Joint International Conference on Vector and Parallel Processing, 10-14 Sept. 1990, Zurich, Switzerland; in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Burkhart, H. (Editor), Springer Verlag, Vol. 457 (1990), pp. 652-664.
  • Chege, G.W.: "Parallel processing applied to field scattering”, IEE discussion meeting on Parallel Processing Applied to Field Computation at the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place, London, UK, 9th November 1990.
  • Chege, G.W.: “The Theory and applications of variable grain parallel computation in electromagnetic field scattering”, D.Phil. Thesis, Dept. of Electronics, University of York, UK, January 1991.
  • Gerald W. Chege & Peter K. Muraya: co-authored book chapter titled “Data Management “in the book “The Green Book: A Guide to Effective Graduate Research in African Agriculture, Environment, and Rural Development” . Editors – Bharati K. Patel, Kay Muir-Leresche, Richard Coe and Susan D. Hainseworth. Publisher: The African Crop Science Society, Kampala, Uganda (2004) pp. 183-198.
  • Chege, G.W.: “Introduction to Simulation and Modeling”, The First Regional Programme for Trainers of Information Analysts in Africa (REPTIAA-1), Institute of Computer Science, University of Nairobi 1-30 August 1994 in Collaboration with Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India and Management & Training Services Division, Commonwealth Secretariat, London.
  • Chege, G.W.: “Novel Computer Architectures”, The First Regional Programme for Trainers of Information Analysts in Africa (REPTIAA-1), Institute of Computer Science, University of Nairobi, 1-30 August 1994 in Collaboration with Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India and Management & Training Services Division, Commonwealth Secretariat, London.
  • Chege, G.W.: “Parallel Processing Languages”, The First Regional Programme For Trainers of Information Analysts in Africa (REPTIAA-1), Institute of Computer Science, University of Nairobi, 1-30 August 1994 in Collaboration with Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India and Management & Training Services Division, Commonwealth Secretariat, London.
  • Chege, G.W.: “Introduction to the Internet”, Kenya Institute of Management Seminar, September 1995;
  • Chege, G.W.: “Keynote Paper: The role of Computer Technology in Information Management”, Seminar on appropriate Technology for Management of Information Centers: Options for Kenya, 26th - 27th February, 1997, Kenya National Library Services, Maktaba Conference Room.
  • Gerald W. Chege, “Technology Strategies for Open Learning and Distance Education”, Conference Paper, National Consultative Forum on the Policy for Open Learning and Distance Education, Windsor Golf and Country Club, September 13-16, 2004.
  • Gerald W. Chege, Meoli Kashorda , “E-Readiness Assessment for small and medium sized organizations in Kenya”, 1st International Entrepreneurship Conference, 23 -25 April 2003, United States International University, Nairobi.
  • Gerald W. Chege, “The Challenges of Managing IT Diffusion and Change in Corporate Information Technology: Case Study of Kenya Tea Development Agency”; Global Business Schools Network Case (2005), in Aspen Institute Center for Business Education.
  • Gerald W. Chege, “Using Information and Communications Technology to Remain Competitive: Case Study of Commercial Bank of Africa”, Global Business Schools Network Case (2005), in Aspen Institute Center for Business Education.
  • Gerald W. Chege, Paskwa Thimangu, “A Study of the Alignment of ICT to Business Strategy for Nairobi-based Hospitals”, 3rd CEED International Entrepreneurship Conference, 29-31 May 2006, United States International University, Nairobi.
  • Florenzio N. Kabeba, Gerald W. Chege, “The Extent and Impact of ICT Usage by SMEs in Nairobi”, 3rd CEED International Entrepreneurship Conference, 29 -31 May 2006, United States International University, Nairobi.
  • Gerald W. Chege, Peter K. Muraya: Co-Authored a book chapter titled “Data Mangement “ in the book “The Green Book: A Guide to Effective Graduate Research in African Agriculture, Environment, and Rural Development” . Editors – Bharati K. Patel, Kay Muir-Leresche, Richard Coe and Susan D. Hainseworth. Publisher: The African Crop Science Society, Kampala, Uganda (2004) pp. 183-198.
  • Sylvester Namuye, Leah Mutanu, Gerald Chege, Jimmy Macharia, "Leveraging Health through the Enhancement of Information Access Using Mobile and Service Oriented Technology", IST-Africa 2014 Conference Proceedings, Paul Cunningham and Miriam Cunningham (Eds) IIMC International Information Management Corporation, 2014.
  • Philip Machoka, Gerald Chege: "Ideal Matunda: Investment Challenges", (2012), written case No. 20111207 for Ideal Matunda Ltd.
  • G. Chege, M. Makhungu: “Factors That Influence Outsourcing of Information Technology by Private Business Organizations in Kenya”. Third Eastern African Multidisciplinary Applied Research Conference (EAMARC3), USIU-Africa, Nairobi, 15-17 November 2016.
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