Dr. Eliab Seroney Some


Dr. Some is an Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Program Leader for Bachelor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics program, School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. He teaches, mentors and coaches bachelors, masters’ and doctoral students on quantitative and qualitative research methods, imparting to the students his practical knowledge acquired from over 30 years of experience in operational research and programme assessment, design, planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and review in Kenya, Eastern and Southern Africa, Pacific and Pakistan. Prof. Some has worked with Government of Kenya (6 years), NGOs (13 years), United Nations (WHO & UNICEF) (10 years) and in academia (6 years). Dr. Some has highly developed organizational, Emceeing, Rapporteur’s, mobilization and communication competencies. Professor Some’s innovative contribution to public health include: community-based malaria control: promoting the use of insecticide-treated nets and case management; employer-based malaria control: pioneered the first approach in Kenya in the 1990s; faith-based organizations response to HIV/AIDS: pioneered the formulation of policies and strategies in Kenya, Tanzania and Southern Africa; uninterrupted supply of ARV drugs for the management of HIV/AIDS: increased the number of people on ARVs from 2,500 in 2004 to over 315,000 in 2008 in Malawi; uninterrupted supply of vaccines through Pacific Immunizations Strengthening Partnership, covering 22 Pacific Island nations; and pioneering BSc. Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the United States International University – Africa with the first class of 10 students admitted September 2018.

Academic Degrees

2018: Fellow of the African Institute of Public Health (FAIPH) (inducted on 25th October).

2009: Certificate in Leadership from Gordon Institute of Business Sciences, University of Pretoria, South Africa.

2000: Diploma in Epidemiology & Population Sciences (DLSHTM), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), University of London.

1999: PhD in Public Health Epidemiology from LSHTM, University of London.

1989: Master of Public Health (MPH) (Epidemiology & Biostatistics with Distinction), Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

1988: Postgraduate Certificate in Planning and Management of Primary Health Care in Developing Countries, Zagreb University, Croatia, (former Yugoslavia).

1986: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) from the University of Nairobi, Kenya.


Journal Articles;

1. 2018: Negassa Chali, Kariuki John., Some Eliab (2018). Examining the Status of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Primary Schools of Kawangware Slums in Dagoretti Sub-County, Nairobi County, Kenya. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064. Volume 7 Issue 3, March 2018, 1658-1667. www.ijsr.net DOI: 10.21275/ART20164075

2. 2017: 2017: Aden Hussein Ibrahim, Eliab Seroney Some, Ochieng Otieno. Dropout From Routine Immunization Among Children 12-23 Months Of Age In Garissa Sub County, Kenya. Researchjournali’s Journal of Public Health Vol. 3 | No. 3 April | 2017. www.researchjournali.com

3. 2017: Ahmad Abba Abdullahi, Eliab Seroney Some, Mbaruk Abdalla Suleiman (2017). Assessment of the constraints to practice cervical cancer screening among the women of reproductive age in Misau Local Government Area, Bauchi State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal for Cancer.104 (2017) 123-131; https://sites.google.com/site/internationalindexing/home/nigerian-journal-for-cancer; Original Research Article. ISJN: 5729-5612: Impact Index: 4.17

4. 2017: Ahmad Abba Abdullahia*, Eliab Seroney Someb, Mbaruk Abdalla Suleimanc (2017). Assessment of the awareness and practice of cervical cancer screening among the women of reproductive age in Misau Local Government Area, Bauchi State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal for Cancer.104 (2017) 114-122 https://sites.google.com/site/internationalindexing/home/nigerian-journal-for-cancer; Original Research Article. ISJN: 5729-5612: Impact Index: 4.17

5. 2016: R.M. Maina, E.S. Some and P. Yugi (2016). Use of helmets by motorcycle riders and passengers in rural areas of Rabai Sub County, Kilifi County –Kenya. European International Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 5 No. 8 November 2016 (25 – 38) ISSN: 2304-9693 www.eijst.org.uk

6. 2016: Maina. R.M., Some E.S., Yugi P and Kariuki J.G (2016). Knowledge On Helmet Use By Motorcycle Riders And Passengers In Rural Rabai Sub County In Kilifi County – Kenya. International Journal of Current Science and Technology Vol.4, Issue, 10, pp. 278-280, October, 2016 journalijcst.com

7. 2016: Miriam Musimbi Kavai , Eliab Seroney Some, Mark Owang’ Mudenyo and Abel Otieno Khisa (2016). Knowledge-related fire hazards reduction capabilities amongst households in Kibera settlements, Nairobi County, Kenya. European International Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 5 No. 9 December 2016 (1-14). ISSN: 2304-9693 www.eijst.org.uk

8. 2016: L.K.Mugambi, J.K Karonjo, E.S. Some, (2016). Risk Factors For Hypertension Among Adults Attending Health Centres In Ruiru, Sub-County, Kiambu County, Kenya. Researchjournali’s Journal of Public Health Vol. 2 | No. 12 December | 2016 (1-16) www.researchjournali.com

9. 2007: Antony D Harries, Erik J Schouten, Simon D Makombe, Edwin Libamba, Henry Neufville, Eliab Some, Godfrey Kadewele & Douglas Lungu. Ensuring uninterrupted supplies of antiretroviral drugs in a resource-poor setting: an example form Malawi. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, February 2007: 85:152-155.

10. 2003: L.M. Waweru, E.W. Kabiru, J.N. Mbithi, E.S. Some. Health status and health seeking behaviour of the elderly persons in Dagoretti Division, Nairobi. East African Medical Journal, 80(2): 63- 67, February, 2003.

11. 2002: A Adjuik, P Agnamey, A Babiker, S Bormann, P Brasseur, M Cisse, F Cobelens, S Diallo, J F Faucher, P Garner, S Gikunda, P G Kremsner, S Krishna, B Lell, M Loolpapit, P-B Matsiegui, M A Missinou, J Mwanza, F Ntoumi, P Olliaro, P. Osimbo, P Rezbach, E Some, W R J Taylor (2002). Amodiaquine-artesunate versus amodiaquine for uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in African children: a randomised, multicentre trial. The Lancet; 359: 1365-1372, April 2002.

12. 2000: SC Howard, J Omumbo, C Nevill, ES Some, CA Donnelly and RW Snow. Evidence for a mass community effect of insecticide-treated bednets on the incidence of malaria on the Kenyan coast. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical medicine and Hygiene (2000) 94, 357-360.

13. 1999: Snow RW, McCabe E, Mbogo CNM, Molyneux CS, Some ES, Mung’ala VO, Nevill CG (1999). The effect of delivery mechanisms on the uptake of bed net re-impregnation in Kilifi District, Kenya. Health Policy and Planning, 14:18-25.

14. 1997: Some ES, Koech DK, Ochogo JO, Ocholla F and Mumbi F (1997, September). An evaluation of surveillance of malaria at primary health care level in Kenya. East African Medical Journal; 74(9): 573-575.

15. 1996: Marsh VM, Mutemi W, Some ES, Haaland A and Snow RW (1996). Evaluating the community education programme of an insecticide-impregnated bed net trial on the Kenyan coast. Health policy and planning; 11(3): 280-291.

16. 1996: Nevill CG, Some ES, Mung’ala VO, Mutemi W, New L, Marsh K, Lengeler C and Snow RW (1996). Insecticide-treated bednets reduce mortality and severe morbidity from malaria among children on the Kenyan coast. Tropical medicine and international health; 1(2): 139-146.

17. 1994: Some ES. Effects and control of highland malaria epidemic in Uasin Gishu District, Kenya. East African Medical Journal; 71(2): 2-8, 1994

18. 1994: Some ES and Omurwa T. Misuse of drugs: perceptions of household heads in Kisumu District, Kenya. East African Medical Journal; 71(2): 93-97, 1994

19. 1994: Some ES and Omurwa T . Seasonality and community satisfaction with sources of water in the Lake Victoria Basin. East African Medical Journal; 71(2): 39-41, 1994

20. 1992: Some ES. The pattern of morbidity and its effects on productivity of factory workers in Kenya. East African medical Journal; 69: 622-625, 1992

21. 1992: Some ES. Household sanitation in Uasin Gishu District in Kenya. East African Medical Journal; 69: 611-612.


(1) 2018/2019: Courses taught at United States International University – Africa:

i. Full-time: Spring 2019: EPI1010 - Epidemiology of Diseases

ii. Full-time: Spring 2019: PHT2010 – Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

iii. Full-time: Spring 2019: GRM2000-D – Introduction to Research Methods

(2) 2017/2018: Courses taught at United States International University – Africa:

i. Full-time: Fall 2018, GRM2000 – Introduction to Research Methods – General Education course

ii. Full-time: Fall 2018, BST1010 – Introduction to Biostatistics, BSc. Epidemiology & Biostatistics

iii. Full-time: Fall 2018, EPI1000 – Introduction to Epidemiology, BSc. Epidemiology & Biostatistics

iv. Full-time: Summer 2018, NSC2205 – Introduction to Human Physiology, General education course

v. Full-time: Summer 2018, CMS2000 – Community Services, General education course

vi. Full-time: Spring 2018, NSC2205 – Introduction to Human Physiology, General education course

vii. Full-time: Spring 2018, CMS2000 – Community Services, General education course

viii. Full-time: Spring 2018, ENV2000 – Introduction to Environmental Health, General education course

ix. Full-time: Fall 2017, NSC3304-Biology & Environment, General education course

x. Full-time: Fall 2017, NSC2205 – Introduction to Human Physiology, General education course

(3) 2018: Course taught at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology: Part-time: HSC4103 – Health Issues and Practice, PhD, Health Promotion

(4) 2017: Courses taught at Mount Kenya University – May – August Trimester:

i. Week-end mode - MPH5223 – Project/Programme Proposal Development and Report Writing

ii. Week-end mode - MPH5102 – Principles of Public Health

iii. Virtual Varsity - MPH5101 – Foundations of Epidemiology (MPH class)

iv. Virtual Varsity - MPH5101 – Foundations of Epidemiology (MSCN class)

v. Virtual Varsity – MPH5102 – Principles of Public Health

vi. Virtual Varsity - MPH5209 - Project Development Management and Evaluation

vii. Virtual Varsity – MPH5220 – Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases

(5) 2017: Courses taught at Mount Kenya University – January – April Trimester:

i. Week-end mode - MPH5202 – Applied Epidemiology

ii. Week-end mode - MPH5102 – Principles of Public Health

iii. Week-end mode - MMW5207-Reproductive Diseases and Conditions

iv. Virtual Varsity - MPH5101 – Foundations of Epidemiology

v. Virtual Varsity – MPH5102 – Principles of Public Health

vi. Virtual Varsity – MPH5204 – Epidemiology of Non-communicable diseases

vii. Virtual Varsity – MPH5220 – Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases

viii. Virtual Varsity - MPH5209-Project Development Management and Evaluation

(6) 2017: Course taught at Adventist University of Africa – Modular approach: LEAD791-Applied Qualitative Research Methods in the PhD Leadership Department, School of Postgraduate Studies, Main Campus, Advent Hill, Ongata Rongai, Nairobi, Kenya, May 22 – June 2, 2017

(7) 2016: Courses taught at Mount Kenya University

i. Virtual Varsity - MPH5101 – Foundations of Epidemiology

ii. Virtual Varsity – MPH5102 – Principles of Public Health

iii. Virtual Varsity – MPH5104 – Health Education and Promotion

iv. Virtual Varsity – MPH5202 – Applied Epidemiology

v. Virtual Varsity – MPH5204 – Epidemiology of Non-communicable diseases

vi. Virtual Varsity – MPH5220 – Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases

vii. Week-end mode – MPH5101-Foundations of Epidemiology

viii. Week-end mode – MPH5223 – Project/Programme Proposal Development and Report Writing

(8) 2016: Course taught at Adventist University of Africa: Modular approach:

i. PHEH644 - Environment and Disease Control, MPH Course, School of Postgraduate Studies, December 12 – 23, 2016

ii. PHRM 611 Introduction to Biostatistics, MPH Course, School of Postgraduate Studies, May 23 - June 3, 2016

(9) 2014-15: Courses taught at Mount Kenya University

i. BUCU 005-HIV/AIDS and drug and substance abuse, BPHARM/2014 CLASS;

ii. MPH5203-Epidemiology and Control of Communicable Diseases, two MPH class cohorts

iii. HMCU001 – Research Methods, MPH class

iv. MPH5202-Applied Epidemiology, two MPH class cohorts

v. MPH5223 – Project Programme Proposal Development and Report Writing, MPH class