Dr. Mercy Kathambi Kaburu

Assistant Professor of International Relations
mkkaburu@usiu.ac.ke    |     +254 730 116 630

Current Research Areas of Interest
Kenya’s Foreign Policy and Diplomacy; Regional integration in the EAC; Women and political participation in Kenya; Women in Peace and Security; Democracy and governance in Kenya.

Dr. Mercy Kaburu is a lecturer of International Relations, and BA. Program Leader. Dr. Kaburu holds a PhD in International Relations of United States International University (USIU)-Africa, MA in International Conflict Management from the University of Nairobi; and a Bachelor of Education from Kenyatta University.

Her teaching and research areas of interest include: Foreign Policy Analysis, Comparative Foreign Policy; Theory of International relations; Theory and Practice of Diplomacy; Regionalism and Regional Integration; and International Organizations. Dr. Kaburu also has research interests in regional peace and security through multilateral diplomacy. Her latest research and publications include Regional Organizations and Conflict Management in Africa: A Contextual Assessment of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in Somalia; and co-authored book chapter on Regime Construction and Sustainable Stability in the Nile Basin: The East African Community Multilateral Diplomacy in a Theoretical Context.

Academic Degrees

  • PhD in International Relations from the United States International University - Africa (USIU-Africa).
  • Master of Arts -International Conflict Management – Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies, University of Nairobi.
  • Bachelor of Education (Arts) -Kenyatta University.
  • Diploma in Project Management - Kenya Institute of management (KIM).
  • Diploma in Education – Kagumo Teachers Training College.
  • Professional Certification in Project Monitoring and Evaluation - Kenya Institute of Management (KIM).

Journal Articles

  • Kaburu, M. K. (2018). Regional Organizations and Conflict Management in Africa: A Contextual Assessment of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in Somalia. Journal of Language, Technology & Entrepreneurship in Africa, Vol. 9. No. 2. pp.16-27.

Book Chapters

  • Adar, K.G. & Kaburu, M.K. (2019). Regime Construction and Sustainable Stability in the Nile Basin: The East African Community Multilateral Diplomacy in a Theoretical Context. In F. Onditi et al.(Eds). Contemporary Africa and the Foreseeable World Order (pp 277-290). Lanham: Lexington Books.

Book Review

  • Kaburu, M. K. (2018). Building Regionalism from Below: The Role of Parliaments and Civil Society in Regional Integration in Africa, K.G. Adar, G. Finizio & A. Meyer (Eds.). African Journal of Democracy and Governance. Vol. 5, No. 3. pp 225 –227.

Teaching Courses

  • Comparative Foreign Policy Analysis; Advanced Theory of International Relations; International Organizations; Theory and Practice of Diplomacy; African International Relations.