Dr. Judith Jai Jefwa is presently an Assistant Professor of Literature in the Department of Languages and Literature, within the School of Humanities and Social Studies in the United States International University-Africa (USIU). Previously, she was a lecturer in the Department of Literature at the University of Nairobi. Her teaching and research areas are in African (especially Post-colonial studies), European and American literature (especially drama) and in more recent times, Oral Literature which she has grown to love very much.
She also teaches English Courses and Intercultural Communication courses at USIU-Africa. She is, especially interested in how culture is constructed, conveyed and represented in literature especially in cultural practices that affect people in relation to gender, health, palliative care and end of life concerns. Together with Prof. Ciarunji Chesaina, she recently edited and published book entitled Landscapes of Women in African, Caribbean and African American Literature (2022).