New Staff Council members formally sworn in

By CTW Team

The new Staff Council members, who were elected in December, were formally sworn into office on Monday, January 30 by the Director, Legal Services. The ceremony was attended by the Director, Administration, the Electoral Commission officials and the outgoing officials as well as staff.

In his comments, the outgoing Vice Chair, Mr. Stephen Makau congratulated all the incoming Council and urged them to remember that they were in service of Staff, and as such, they would need to ensure that they did their utmost to ensure that staff issues were addressed to the best of their ability.

Mr. Bonfas Salano, the Staff Council Chair thanked staff for voting them in and trusting them to articulate their issues, adding that he and his team looked forward to working with the University leadership to ensure that staff issues were properly addressed so that staff could feel more motivated to add even more value to the university.

He also thanked the outgoing team for holding fort for the past four years, and reiterated that they would work together to ensure a smooth transition as they continued to settle into their posts.

The event closed with remarks from the Director, Administration, Ms. Night Nzovu, who mentioned that the HR Department was ready to work with the Staff Council to achieve various people-related goals, including galvanizing staff to deliver effectively on their duties under the ‘We Are One’ theme.

The four-member Council is made up of the following staff:

  • Chairperson – Bonfas Salano
  • Vice Chairperson – Diana Meso
  • Treasurer – Kevin Ooko
  • Secretary– Rael Otieno

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