Events & Activities

  1. Stakeholder engagement on security and safety issues around Roysambu and Kasarani areas
    When: Nov 30, 2022 - Kasarani Neighborhood Association which brings together 9 organizations namely USIU-Africa, Safari Park Hotel, ACK of Arimathea, PAC University, Thika Rd Baptist Church and School, Jewel, Ruaraka Academy, Mountain View School and KISE are deeply...    
  2. Monthly Seminar Series: Pursuit of happiness from a philosophical perspective by Prof. Justus Mbae
    When: Nov 25, 2022 - Philosophy and Religion have one thing in common. They both, in different ways, try to give meaning and purpose to human life. Philosophy asks and seeks answers to the question “what is the good life?”. This paper is an elucidation of the main...    
  3. Reimagining The Africa Private University - Post Pandemic Challenges and Opportunities
    When: Nov 25, 2022 - Background The Covid-19 pandemic undoubtedly affected and tested sustainability of the models that are used to offer Higher Education. The pandemic disrupted over 1.5 billion students in the higher education sector in 185 countries (IAU, 2020)....    
  4. Kenya Healthcare Innovation Challenge Awards (KHICA)
    When: Nov 25, 2022 - Introduction Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya in collaboration with Kenya UK Alliance (KUKHA) presents to you the 1st Annual Kenya Healthcare Innovation Challenge Awards (KHICA) on November 24-25, 2022 at United States International University...    
  5. Men's Conference USIU-Africa Edition
    When: Nov 24, 2022 -    
  6. VCT Week 2022
    When: Nov 24, 2022 - World AIDS Day & VCT Week 2022 is finally here! As always it happens every Fall. This time it comes to you from November 21- 24, 2022 from 9am to 5pm daily. We invite you to: Check your HIV status (and that of your partner, if any throughout the...    
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