Alumni Relations Department

The USIU-Africa Alumni Association is a legal entity established on April 19, 1990 and registered under the Society Act, Laws of Kenya.

Over the years the number and caliber of members has been on the increase as supported by the introduction of academic programs both at undergraduate and post graduate.

Members of the association are drawn from over 51 nationalities around the world.

The USIU-Africa Alumni Association has partnered with United States International University- Africa (USIU-Africa) in supporting students through colloquium talks, networking initiative, fundraising activities,internships and the new mentorship program.

We are among the few alumni associations which are training alumni as mentors then integrate them in university sponsored and supported programs.

We are also the only association in Africa with an affinity product, the co-brand credit card with I& M Bank.

Our Vision

Attaining greater heights for alumni alma mater and the world.

Our Mission

To network leaders through successful communication, and mentorship


  • Networking
  • Leadership
  • Mentorship
  • Communication

Alumni Goals Explained


The purpose of this organization shall be to further the well-being of the college and its graduates by increasing interest in the college. We seek to promote and encourage close relationships among the students, faculty, administration, parents, graduates, former students and the local community by:

  • Acting as advocates for Alumni interests with the college
  • Fostering the development of local and regional chapters to promote and support the association’s and college’s activities; and
  • Fostering academic scholarship
  • Increase connections with our alumni as demonstrated by a percentage increase of alumni contacts and engagement as documented and calculated on an annual basis;
  • Increase lasting relationships with our alumni to enhance the College, demonstrated by a percentage increase in alumni donating time, talent and financial resources annually; and
  • Obtain financial solvency as demonstrated by maintaining a balanced budget with our revenue streams

All opportunities for engaging alumni should be tracked by the Alumni Affairs Office. This will give the Alumni Association the opportunity to provide a report that contains measurable objectives/goals and real numbers that confirm how well we are doing.

The Alumni Association defines, ‘lasting relationships’ as a consistent connection to and engagement with the college. The College will benefit from alumni sharing their time, talent or treasure. Below are examples of quantifiable benefits in each area.

  • Board Membership
  • Chapter chair/committee
  • Reunion chair/committee
  • Work on other College committees
  • Regular event participation
  • Alumni speaker series
  • Executive in residence
  • Providing internships
  • Mentoring students
  • Guest lecturing
  • Career placements for students or alumni
  • Lobbying for USIU or the Alumni Association
  • Consistent annual giving
  • Major gifts in which an endowment or naming opportunity is created
  • Irrevocable trusts/wills
  • Introduction to ‘Friends of the University’ willing to make gifts
Communication Channel
  • Through the Alumni Affairs Office after the approval of the Alumni Association Executive Committee and the USIU Management Council to enhance unitary communication
  • Social media platform and the database to be managed by the Alumni Affairs Office facilitated by USIU ICT Department

More information on USIU-Africa Alumni

All financial obligations to United States International University -Africa must be cleared before transcripts can be released. Transcripts may not be picked up by another party unless the student has given written authorization with the request. The designated person will be expected to show a picture I.D. before obtaining the transcript.

A United States International University- Africa transcript is a complete record of a student’s enrollment at USIU-Africa. This includes all undergraduate and graduate courses. Partial transcripts are not available. In addition, United States International University - Africa will not provide customers with copies of another institution’s transcript that we may have in our possession.

For further information you may call United States International University - Africa, The Office of the University Registrar, at (+254) 730116000.

How to Change My Address

Maintaining your connection to USIU-Africa is important. If you move or your information changes, simply go to the USIU-Africa website and update your information. Be sure to include your e-mail address, telephone contacts so that you can be kept up to date on the latest news and activities.

How to Find a Friend

Are you looking for a former classmate? A friend that you lost touch with? Visit our on-line community — "USIU-Africa Connection"

How to Give

Being part of the USIU-Africa family is a lifetime commitment. As a graduate and loyal friend of United States International University, you never really leave the university behind; you are forever an integral part of the life of USIU-Africa. The USIU-Africa Alumni Association is your link to the university. We are proud to maintain that connection and engagement for our more than 19,000 alumni worldwide and offer a home away from home for our alumni and friends at The USIU-Africa Campus.

From that day in 19th April 1990 when USIU-Africa grads met to form the Alumni Association and register it as a legal entity through the office of the registrar of societiesto the present, USIU-Africa alumni have used their association to provide the link to the life of the University, its knowledge and discovery, its students and faculty, its heart and soul. Today, a wide range of programs, activities, communications, networking, and other services sustain and enhance that link. USIU-Africa graduates have made lives and careers in a, every part of in the nation, and more than 60 nationalities around the world. Two things make us an extended community: our USIU-Africa education and our USIU-Africa Alumni Association.

Through the Association, our alumni community finds a wealth of ways to give back to USIU-Africa, from scholarship support of promising students to global outreach for our graduates. As our alumni pool grows, even more will be expected from the Association-more ideas, more programs, and more connections. We can and will exceed those expectations-but only with your generosity and commitment.

USIU-Africa’s State of Minds is a lifetime opportunity and calling, and your Alumni Association is the connection to that opportunity. The Alumni Association Campaign priorities are to ,Create an Alumni Endowment fund and Support Alumni Association Programming.

Meet the Team

Michael Kisilu
Principal Alumni Relations Officer
Tel: +254 730 116 818

Click to view our financial-aid/Financial Aid programs
Banking Options. Click here to view

How to Join the USIU - Africa Alumni;

Membership in the USIU-Africa Alumni Association is the best way to stay connected to USIU-Africa.
There are three ways to be a member. Please choose the method most convenient for you.

Online - Join/register or renew through our secure server. Click here
Telephone: +254 730 116 818/617
Surface Mail:

Please forward your correspondence to:
USIU-Africa Alumni Association,
P. O. Box 14634-00800
Nairobi, Kenya