FAQs - Finance Office

1 When is fees due?
Full school fees is due on the first day of the semester.
2 How can I get financial Clearance?
After payment of fees, you can visit the Finance office at the student accounts counter for financial clearance. You can also call the student account office on +254 730 116 509/221/538/224/403 you can also email finance@usiu.ac.ke or
3 How do I get my holds removed?
After payment of fees, the system should automatically remove the financial hold on your account. In case of any issues, you can visit the Finance office at the student accounts counter for financial clearance. You can also call the student account office on +254 730 116 509/221/538/224/403 you can also email finance@usiu.ac.ke or credit@usiu.ac.ke
4 Is there a difference between holds and Financial Clearance?
Yes, the holds are put for different reasons e.g. Students with balances and are not on a payment plan. Financial Clearance is given when you satisfy all the finance requirements to attend classes.
5 When can I get clearance to attend classes?
Financial clearance is given to registered students from the beginning of the semester up to Friday of the 2nd week of the semester which is the deadline of your financial clearance to attend classes
6 Can I pay my fees in installments?
Yes, a deferred payment plan is available for continuing Kenyan students, where fees is paid in 3 equal installments. The first payment is due by the 2nd week of school. Students who wish to be on this plan should contact the credit control office for more information.
7 Can international students pay their fees in installments?
No, the payment plan is only for local students. International students should pay their school fees in full on the first day of the semester or before the last day of financial clearance as marked in the academic calendar.
8 Can I go for school trips if my school fees is not cleared?
No, only students with financial clearance are allowed to go for any school trip. If any funds are paid to the trip account and the student is not cleared, the money will be used to clear the outstanding school fees.
Can I do my exams if am not financially cleared?
No, only financially cleared student will be allowed to do exams.
10 When can I get clearance to attend classes?
Financial clearance is given to registered students who have cleared their school fees up to the last day of financial clearance as marked in the academic calendar.
I am an international Student and I have my own Health Insurance. How can I get exempted from paying with my school fees?
Every semester you need to present your medical insurance card for confirmation to the insurance office to be exempted.
I made a payment and it is not reflecting in my account?
Kindly visit the finance office and request to talk to our Treasury office OR call +254 730 116 211 for assistance.
I’m unable to clear my fees on time, how can you assist me? What options do I have?
Visit the Credit control office for more information. You can also call +254 730 116 538 /224
How much is the fees for next semester? What my fee balance?
After pre-registration, you can access your fees schedule or data sheet online as below. Using the same procedure, you can also check your fee balance;
  • Log in with your student ID and password
  • Click on student tab
  • Click the financial information link
  • Your balance and datasheet will be under My Account Info
OR visit the student accounts office or call on +254 730 116 509 /221 /538 /224 /403 you can also email finance@usiu.ac.ke or credit@usiu.ac.ke
15 Do I get charged for dropping /withdrawing classes?
Yes, withdrawn class fee charges begin from the day the semester starts. Courses withdrawn within the 1st week of semester attracts a penalty of 10% of the tuition, Courses withdrawn within the 2nd week of the semester will attract a penalty of 25% of tuition .After the second week the charge will be 100% of the tuition.
When do I get a rebate on my project/ thesis course?
If a student registers for project / thesis 2 over the next two subsequent semesters they will receive a rebate equivalent to 50% of the tuition fee. If the project / thesis 2 extends beyond the fourth semester, the tuition fee reverts to full charge. Other charges remain constant.
How do I apply for a Tuition refund?
Tuition refunds are processed after graduation or on final clearance with university;
You may download the tuition refund form here, or collect a hard copy from the Student Accounts section of Finance Division. Alternatively, you may process it through the Online Tuition Refund Application.
How long does it take to get my tuition refund sent?
Approved tuition refunds within a particular month are paid by the 10th day of the following month. e.g refund applied in January will be paid by the 10th
19 Do you work over the weekends?
The Finance Office is only open on the first three Saturdays of the semester from 9.00am to 1.00pm
20 How long will it take a bank deposit or MPESA payment to reflect in my account?
Your bank cash deposit or MPESA payment will be updated in your account within 24 hours
21 Do I have to present my bank deposit slip at the cashiers?
No, you do not. The amount shall be receipted from our bank statements the following day.
22 How is my interest charged?
Interest is charged at the rate of 1.5% per month and shall be posted to your account at the end of every month. This shall be charged on pro rata basis depending on the date when you clear your balance.
23 How do I get a refund of my caution money?
After final clearance, a refund form can be collected from the finance office or downloaded from the USIU-Africa website. Once filled in, it can be dropped at the finance office or scanned and forwarded to finance@usiu.ac.ke or credit@usiu.ac.ke