Staff profile: Tony Mutugi, Admissions Officer

By Jemima Oloo and CTW Team

Tony Mutugi is one of the Admissions Office’s newest, but familiar faces. Born into a humble family, Tony faced numerous challenges when it came to finding employment after graduating with a degree in Criminology from Laikipia University in 2018. Determined to make ends meet, he decided to try his luck in the retail sector and landed a job at Maguna Superstores. For one and a half years, Tony served as a Loss Control Officer at the supermarket’s Utawala branch, ensuring the safety and security of the store's assets.

In pursuit of further growth, Tony later joined Ismax, a reputable security firm. Assigned to the Nation Center, he worked in the role of a CCTV controller. His attention to detail and ability to effectively communicate made him an invaluable asset in monitoring the center's security operations. After a year, Tony was transferred to USIU-Africa, where he was stationed at the Administration Block. Interacting with aspiring students every day, he witnessed firsthand their dreams and aspirations. Little did he know that this experience would sow the seeds of his own personal growth.

A keen observation of the end to end admissions process ignited an interest in contributing more directly to the academic journey of the students he encountered. This prompted him to apply for the position of Admissions Officer.
“I realized that my skills in observation, communication, and maintaining a professional demeanor were assets that could be applied beyond the realm of security, and so I applied for the role of Admissions Officer, “he said.

“My experience as a security guard has given me a unique advantage because I was already familiar with many of the staff and had developed a solid foundation of trust and respect. The transition felt natural, and I was able to quickly integrate with the wider Admissions team,” he adds.

“The main challenge for me was how to navigate the CX Admissions software, but with the support of my colleagues, I was able to get accustomed to it after two weeks. I am grateful to my colleagues for their training and guidance, which has made working at the office smooth,” he notes.

Reflecting on his transformation, Tony emphasizes the importance of faith and perseverance. He believes that regardless of the obstacles faced or the length of the process, if one remains steadfast and humble, doors will eventually open. He attributes his success to the grace of God and encourages others to trust in divine timing.

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