Sports Updates - March, 12-25

By Diana Meso & Hilda Indasi

On Saturday, March 19 and Sunday, March 20, our sports teams recorded mixed results in the various matches they took part in.

Our swimming team bagged 2 silver and 1 bronze medal in the Kenya Swimming Federation Gala that took place at the Makini School.

The men’s basketball team beat Daystar University and Gretsa University, 53-35 and 77-50 respectively, while their female counterparts beat Kiriri Women’s University of Science and Technology 40-13. Both teams have qualified for the Kenya Universities Sports Association (KUSA) League nationals that will be held in Taita Taveta County.

Both the ladies and men’s hockey teams will also be joining the basketball teams to compete at KUSA league nationals. This is after the ladies’ team beat Mt. Kenya University 2-1 while the men’s team beat Daystar University 5-0 and drew with Kenyatta University 1-1. In the ongoing Kenya Hockey Union (KHU) League, the ladies team drew with Blazers 1-1 as the men’s team had a goalless match against Wazalendo.

In soccer our team narrowly lost 2-3 to KCA University, whereas in Netball, our team lost 12-46 to Mt. Kenya University and 15-37 to Kiriri Women’s University of Science and Technology in their final matches in the KUSA leagues.

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