SADS makes waves in its first physical tournament

Caption: SADS debate team at the Strathmore University, Keri Campus (From far left; Elsie Sirengo (International Relations, Junior) SADS member, Chantelle Mukabi (Applied Computer Technology, Senior) SADS Chair, Sam Kagia (Finance, Senior) SADS Vice Chair, Louis Gitu (Film Production & Directing, Junior) SADS member, Fresher Diana (International Relations, Junior) SADS Secretary and Jeff Shelton (Applied Computer Technology, Senior) SADS member.

By Fresher Diana

There is no better way to add a bit of zing to the Fall Semester than to participate in the Mashujaa Open Debate Championship. The Mashujaa Opens is a tournament organized by the Strathmore University Debate Society every month on campus. The 5th leg of the Mashujaa Opens took place between September 25 and 26, after disrupted year of physical debate due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It saw the coming together of different universities from Kenya and also some of the best judges from not only Kenya but also a world-renowned adjudicator, Noluthando Honono from South Africa.

The Spoken Arts & Debate Society (SADS) debate team participated in the championship and as our reputation precedes us, we made a statement at the tournament. With Sam Kagia (SADS Vice Chair) representing us as the Chief Adjudicator, here is the breakdown of our performance and successes:

  1. Fresher Diana (SADS Secretary) and Louis Gitu emerged 1st runner’s up in the grand finals, Novice Division.
  2. Jeffrey Shelton scooped two medals for being the 3rd best speaker and 5th best speaker in the Novice and Open rounds respectively.
  3. Chantelle Mukabi (SADS Chairlady) won the award for the best adjudicator in the tournament.

As things are steadily going back to normal and the set COVID-19 protocols and regulations, SADS will be attending the next Mashujaa Opens and many more to come. Moreover, over the Summer semester break, SADS was actively represented in the following debate tournaments:

  1. Jeremiah Kashaka (Logistics Officer) and Louis Gitu represented SADS in the Jumuiya Opens the took place from August 9-12.
  2. Representing SADS yet again at the Pre-Olympia Debate were Fresher Diana, Jeremiah Kashaka and Louis Gitu from the August 20-22. Breaking to the grand finals was Fresher Diana, emerging 2nd runner’s up.
  3. Chantelle Mukabi and Sam Kagia participated in the Jumuiya Master’s Round representing not only SADS but also Kenya in the tournament.

Through the tremendous support and guidance of our Club Patron, Dr. Quin Awuor has put the club on the path to great achievements. Driven under the leadership of Chantelle and Kagia, SADS continues to demonstrate resilience, dedication, commitment and reap the fruits of its labor!

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