Appreciating your overwhelming support for Hunger Victims

Dear USIU-Africa Community,
We did it! We raised Kshs.1,283, 409 in cash and in-kind food donations valued at Kshs.48, 924.
The USIU-Africa community donation will feed 1,332 individuals. Thank you very much for your overwhelming support.
Special thanks go to various individuals and organized groups that enthusiastically responded to my appeal of March 15, 2017 for our community to alleviate the suffering of more than 2.7 million Kenyans adversely affected.
We will be handing over the USIU-Africa donations to Kenya Red Cross Society on Wednesday, April 12, 2017 at 12.30 p.m. in front of Administration block. I invite you to join us in handing over sharing our compassion to our brothers and sisters.
Paul Tiyambe Zeleza
Vice Chancellor
United States International University-Africa
P.O. Box 14684-00800, Nairobi, Kenya
+254 20 360-6411